WELCOME to the Messageboard for the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival and Marathon!!
The BIG 50th Anniversary Marathon in February! Marathon fillms that have been announced: GODZILLA MINUS ONE,. BETWEEN TIME AND TIMBUKTU, Spielberg's A.I. in 35mm, ALGOL with the amazing Jeff Rapsis scoring the film - LIVE! THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951), LIFEFORCE in 70mm! ARRIVAL, BARBARELLA in 35mm! STAR TREK IV in 35mm, GAMERA VS. GUIRON, HER in 35mm, BLADE RUNNER (Workprint Cut). Chime in on your ideas and thoughts.
SF/50 Official Information Page Click here
SUGGESTIONS FOR Future Marathons POST here
>List of ALL Films that have played the Marathon. Click below
Click here for The History Of The Marathon/Festival

The Next Marathon will be held Presidents' Day Weekend 2025 at the Somerville Theater.
It will be preceded by the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival. For ticket info: www.Bostonscifi.com

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SF/49 in Review: Comments, Suggestions (Read 2060 times)
Reply #15 - Feb 26th, 2024 at 8:16am

L.A. Connection   Offline
YaBB Administrator
SF Rocks

Gender: male
Posts: 1822
Brendan wrote on Feb 25th, 2024 at 8:38am:
. 'Lapsis' was a lot better than I expected, but the ending didn't feel resolved; it just seemed to "end"....
The 'Lost in Space' pilot was interesting; you could see Irving Allen's attempt to hook people with various vignettes. "Family of the Future", "Fighting the Elements", "Lost Civilizations".  I thought the placement was good; it did allow folks to take a dinner break. I'd recommend programming something short in that dinner slot to allow that opportunity.

Thank you on the scheduling. It's always a tough task to try and create something that will appeal to 300 different people! I try to help balance all the various 'constituencies". One thing I've learned over the decades of helping with the schedule - People are gonna eat when THEY wanna eat!

As to LAPSIS. I think the ending works fine. It shows that no matter how much you rage against the machine, that the machine finds a way........
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