WELCOME to the Messageboard for the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival and Marathon!!
The BIG 50th Anniversary Marathon in February! FIRST FILM has been announced - the classic THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Chime in on your ideas and thoughts.
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The Next Marathon will be held Presidents' Day Weekend 2025 at the Somerville Theater.
It will be preceded by the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival. For ticket info: www.Bostonsci-fi.com

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Print Report for the Marathon (Read 39581 times)
Reply #15 - Oct 13th, 2013 at 10:25am

Dinsdale   Offline
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SF Rocks

Posts: 67
Almost forgot Dave, good job with the selection of cartoons and trailers. Boy were there some awful horror films in the 70's and 80's! Mother's Day? Ugh!!
So very sad that the turnout was so poor, people really missed some beautiful prints!
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Reply #16 - Oct 26th, 2013 at 5:14pm

David the Projectionist   Offline
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The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

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Posts: 328
     Okay, we're on a bit of a roll here with print acquisition.
     Once again, if any of you is on the fence about our up-coming Hallowe'en movies, get off it & get over here, because we've landed two really good prints!

The Exorcist

1.85 - colour - Dolby SR/D

     Near mint: not a scratch, not a splice, some minor dirt here & there.  In an unusual move, I will actually be running the digital track for this: it was derived from the 70mm remix.  At one point, Friedkin was supervising the best mixes in the business, & this was one of them.
     The Coolidge ran this title last year, & their print was completely faded.  This one is NOT: no colour shift of any kind!

Near Dark

1.85 - colour - Dolby A

     Once again, near mint: not a single splice, colour is dead-on.  Some minor wear in one reel.  This doesnt often run, so see it while you can!
     I ran a print of this title for the Thon a few years ago: this copy is better than that one.

     Both movies will be shown off single reels.
     Folks, get yer butts to the theatre & support film presentations while you still can!

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #17 - Oct 28th, 2013 at 12:14am

L.A. Connection   Offline
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SF Rocks

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Posts: 1793
Where's Jay?

Isn't it a bit uncouth of the Coolidge to show NEAR DARK the same week as the Somerville?? And, the Somerville had this announced for WEEKS in advance??????

David the Projectionist wrote on Oct 26th, 2013 at 5:14pm:
     Okay, we're on a bit of a roll here with print acquisition.
     Once again, if any of you is on the fence about our up-coming Hallowe'en movies, get off it & get over here, because we've landed two really good prints!

The Exorcist

1.85 - colour - Dolby SR/D

     Near mint: not a scratch, not a splice, some minor dirt here & there.  In an unusual move, I will actually be running the digital track for this: it was derived from the 70mm remix.  At one point, Friedkin was supervising the best mixes in the business, & this was one of them.
     The Coolidge ran this title last year, & their print was completely faded.  This one is NOT: no colour shift of any kind!

Near Dark

1.85 - colour - Dolby A

     Once again, near mint: not a single splice, colour is dead-on.  Some minor wear in one reel.  This doesnt often run, so see it while you can!
     I ran a print of this title for the Thon a few years ago: this copy is better than that one.

     Both movies will be shown off single reels.
     Folks, get yer butts to the theatre & support film presentations while you still can!

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Reply #18 - Feb 15th, 2014 at 9:23pm

David the Projectionist   Offline
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The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

Gender: male
Posts: 328
     Folks, I just received the final order & schedule yesterday, so things have been (to say the least) in a chaotic state of flux.  I also received the last of the programmed materials yesterday, so getting this report out has been understandably impossible before now.  And, on top of all that, Ive been juggling a boatload of prints for the theatre's anniversary, so Ive just been drowning in free time!
     That all having been said, heres this year's print report.  As usual, if there are any questions, I'll try to answer them, but I also have to point out that this is all so last minute that I wont be online to see if there are any questions (just found a bunch of messages in my in-box here, because I havent had a moment to log in for some time)!
     In no particular order:


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     And some of you were hoping that there wouldnt be any festival movies in this year's thon.   Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     Oh, look: digital perfection!  (Barf)

Europa Report

BluRay - 1.78 - colour - 5.1 DTS-HD

     And more!  Can your senses withstand the onslaught?

First Men in the Moon

35mm - 2.35 - colour - mono

     Print was struck in 1999 off separations.  Colour is good, condition of the print is near mint.  I watched this the other day, and it's actually a fun movie.

The Visitor

DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     The hits just keep on coming!

Children of Men

DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     It shouldnt come as much of a surprise to the members of this board that I didnt much like this movie, but hey!  Ravishing digital once again!


35mm - 2.35 - colour - mono

     This is the same print we ran back in October.  Print dates from 1996, is in decent shape, though it does have some dirt & wear.  A bit on the light side, but dont complain!  If you overlook the dated computer technology, this movie holds up pretty well!

Flash Gordon

DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     Remember back a way, when I laughed on this board at the thought of our getting a print of this?  Well,  Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin Cheesy Grin pardon me while I fall down laughing!
     Check the colour out, & look at how false it is.  Typical for these transfers; they never look right.
     Oh, wait!  Sorry!  Digital is always perfect.  Dont know what I was saying....

Silent Running

DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM (though a mono track)

     Once again, look at the colour & how flat & lifeless it is.

Electric Dreams

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby A

     This was a surprise: print is new, dates from 2003, & is struck from the camera negative.  Colour is spot on.  Should look really good, if any of you can stay conscious when this relic hits the screen!  (Speaking of overlooking dated computer technology....yeeeeeeesh......)

The Power

35mm - 2.40 - IB Technicolor - mono

     This print from England is the rarity this time out.  It's in very good condition: a few splices scattered throughout, some wear, some dirt, but what can you expect from a nearly fifty year old print?  The colour is, of course, perfect.  You wont be seeing this again any time soon!

The Truman Show

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby SR/D

     This is a show print, & I have no idea how we got it.  Only one or two of these is ever struck.  Watch this, & get a good idea of what the director & the crew & the reviewers get to see, as compared to the release prints made for the rest of us.  In near mint condition!

The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

DVD - 2.35 - B&W - Dolby Digital 2 Channel Mono

     Yup, a standard-issue DVD.  No comment.

     Thats pretty much everything!
     And now, PREPARE!!!!  Wink

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #19 - Feb 15th, 2014 at 10:53pm

da_Bunnyman   Offline
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Peabody, MA

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World The Flesh & The Devil is likely a DVD-R courtesy of The Warner Bros Archives who I was surprised to find are a sponsor of the event now per their website.


I can't complain but sometimes I still do. Life's been good to me so far.
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Reply #20 - Feb 15th, 2014 at 11:09pm

David the Projectionist   Offline
Senior Member
The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

Gender: male
Posts: 328
da_Bunnyman wrote on Feb 15th, 2014 at 10:53pm:
World The Flesh & The Devil is likely a DVD-R courtesy of The Warner Bros Archives who I was surprised to find are a sponsor of the event now per their website.

     Yup; DVD-R.  But still a DVD!

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #21 - Feb 14th, 2015 at 2:25am

David the Projectionist   Offline
Senior Member
The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

Gender: male
Posts: 328
     Well, just when I think things cant get anymore katty-whompus after last year, along comes what we're dealing with now.  I have no friggin clue what the schedule is going to be at the moment, & showtime is almost here.
     That having been said, heres the lowdown of what we have so far, subject to change at any given moment:

Boy 7

DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Festival fun you can all look forward to!


DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Lots of people liked this movie.  Alas, I am not among them.  (Shocking, I know.)


Blu-Ray - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 DTS-HD
     Because nothing says perfection like Blu-Ray!


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Universally considered to be one of the lousiest Bonds ever made!  Now you call all see why, & see why in digital glory!
     As usual for transfers like this, the colours look completely false.

The Day the Earth Stood Still

DCP - 1.37 - "B&W" (quotes advised) - 5.1 PCM with mono track
     Nothing shows up digital limitations like B&W transfers, & this one is surely no exception.  It isnt black & white, it's magenta & something thats trying to be white.  It really looks like watching a Twilight Zone episode on a bad colour TV.  Theres no excuse for this.

This Island Earth

35mm - 1.85 - colour - mono
     Mixed reprint on both acetate & mylar; with the mylar dating from 1998.  Not a Technicolor print, which is a shame, though hardly surprising.  Some fringing from misaligned Tech negs.  Colour is adequate -- Ive seen worse -- but nowhere near what Tech prints would look like.  Some splices, repairs, & wear, but certainly a decent print.
     Be sure to say 'hi' to the Professor from Gilligan's Island!

Big Trouble in Little China

DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Big trouble in trying to figure out what in this movie has anything to do with SF!
     Very, very dark, dull-looking transfer.  Right on par!


35mm - 1.75 - B&W - mono
     The first of the giant radioactive monster films, & one of the best; they started to get pretty ridiculous after a while (The Killer Shrews springs immediately to mind).
     An unusual ratio for Warner at the time.  Print is an old one (probably from the 60s), struck off the OCN, on Agfa, with very good density.  Some rough patches here & there: some splices, wear, & repairs.  Looks & plays well.  Keep a sharp eye out for a brief appearance by a very young Leonard Nimoy, who looks like he just started shaving!

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

DCP - 1.33 - "B&W" (tinted) - maybe live accompaniment (weather dependent, I'd say) - German intertitles with English subtitles
     Justly famous for being one of the most innovative & inventive films in cinema history.  This DCP, struck off the recently discovered, nearly complete OCN, manages to get just about everything wrong.
     In the first place, the movie has been tinted, & the gamma is so high the grays have almost completely disappeared, so what remains is an off-colour, high-contrast disaster.  Worse, the transfer was step-printed to taking speed, which no silent film ever shot was ever supposed to be projected at, and which has the additional fun advantage of taking this 60 minute movie -- which Ive run many, many times -- and stretching it out to 90!  (The slower the movie runs, the more seriously people seem to take it.)  And, as if all that wasnt enough, the transfer was digitally steadied, so instead of the living, jumping frames you would get in regular silent movie projection, the image is as still as a rock, & every bit as lifeless.

Edge of Tomorrow

35mm - 2.40 - colour - Dolby SR/D / DTS
     The DCP was here, but then this print showed up.  Which do you think I'd run?  Hmmmmmmmm... a poser, yes?
     Print is new; never run.  Those of you who saw this digitally will be knocked out by the DTS track I'll be running.

The Iron Giant

35mm - 2.40 - colour - Dolby SR/D
     Print dates from 1999, & is in excellent condition!  No splices, some wear.

Duck Dodgers

35mm - 1.37 in 1.85 frame - colour - mono
     Same print we run every year.

2001: A Space Odyssey

- 2.21 - colour - DTS 5.1 re-mix

     The best for last.  The first 70mm print to be shown in the forty-year marathon history, & the first public screening of a 70mm print in the Somerville Theatre's one hundred-year history.
      The print is a third generation strike from an IN, & therefore has more grain & more contrast than the original versions.  The lab tried to disguise the generational loss by ramping up the colour saturation, an old trick.  The sound has been re-mixed -- adequately, but just -- from the old 6-channel spread into the standard 5.1 track, so no voices from anything but the centre, & a lot of the sound panning has been suppressed.  Also sounds a little more trebly than the original, and theres a lot more sub-woofer signal as well.
     Nonetheless, I predict youll all be blown clear out of your seats!  This is, without question in my mind, the greatest science-fiction movie ever made, & to see it properly in 70mm is a rare treat these days!

     Get set!
« Last Edit: Feb 14th, 2015 at 12:49pm by David the Projectionist »  

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #22 - Feb 14th, 2015 at 11:45pm

L.A. Connection   Offline
YaBB Administrator
SF Rocks

Gender: male
Posts: 1793
     Well, just when I think things cant get anymore katty-whompus after last year, along comes what we're dealing with now.  I have no friggin clue what the schedule is going to be at the moment, & showtime is almost here.
     That having been said, heres the lowdown of what we have so far, subject to change at any given moment:

Boy 7

DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Festival fun you can all look forward to!


DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Lots of people liked this movie.  Alas, I am not among them.  (Shocking, I know.)


Blu-Ray - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 DTS-HD
     Because nothing says perfection like Blu-Ray!


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Universally considered to be one of the lousiest Bonds ever made!  Now you call all see why, & see why in digital glory!
     As usual for transfers like this, the colours look completely false.

The Day the Earth Stood Still

DCP - 1.37 - "B&W" (quotes advised) - 5.1 PCM with mono track
     Nothing shows up digital limitations like B&W transfers, & this one is surely no exception.  It isnt black & white, it's magenta & something thats trying to be white.  It really looks like watching a Twilight Zone episode on a bad colour TV.  Theres no excuse for this.

This Island Earth

35mm - 1.85 - colour - mono
     Mixed reprint on both acetate & mylar; with the mylar dating from 1998.  Not a Technicolor print, which is a shame, though hardly surprising.  Some fringing from misaligned Tech negs.  Colour is adequate -- Ive seen worse -- but nowhere near what Tech prints would look like.  Some splices, repairs, & wear, but certainly a decent print.
     Be sure to say 'hi' to the Professor from Gilligan's Island!

Big Trouble in Little China

DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM
     Big trouble in trying to figure out what in this movie has anything to do with SF!
     Very, very dark, dull-looking transfer.  Right on par!


35mm - 1.75 - B&W - mono
     The first of the giant radioactive monster films, & one of the best; they started to get pretty ridiculous after a while (The Killer Shrews springs immediately to mind).
     An unusual ratio for Warner at the time.  Print is an old one (probably from the 60s), struck off the OCN, on Agfa, with very good density.  Some rough patches here & there: some splices, wear, & repairs.  Looks & plays well.  Keep a sharp eye out for a brief appearance by a very young Leonard Nimoy, who looks like he just started shaving!

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

DCP - 1.33 - "B&W" (tinted) - maybe live accompaniment (weather dependent, I'd say) - German intertitles with English subtitles
     Justly famous for being one of the most innovative & inventive films in cinema history.  This DCP, struck off the recently discovered, nearly complete OCN, manages to get just about everything wrong.
     In the first place, the movie has been tinted, & the gamma is so high the grays have almost completely disappeared, so what remains is an off-colour, high-contrast disaster.  Worse, the transfer was step-printed to taking speed, which no silent film ever shot was ever supposed to be projected at, and which has the additional fun advantage of taking this 60 minute movie -- which Ive run many, many times -- and stretching it out to 90!  (The slower the movie runs, the more seriously people seem to take it.)  And, as if all that wasnt enough, the transfer was digitally steadied, so instead of the living, jumping frames you would get in regular silent movie projection, the image is as still as a rock, & every bit as lifeless.

Edge of Tomorrow

35mm - 2.40 - colour - Dolby SR/D / DTS
     The DCP was here, but then this print showed up.  Which do you think I'd run?  Hmmmmmmmm... a poser, yes?
     Print is new; never run.  Those of you who saw this digitally will be knocked out by the DTS track I'll be running.

The Iron Giant

35mm - 2.40 - colour - Dolby SR/D
     Print dates from 1999, & is in excellent condition!  No splices, some wear.

Duck Dodgers

35mm - 1.37 in 1.85 frame - colour - mono
     Same print we run every year.

2001: A Space Odyssey

- 2.21 - colour - DTS 5.1 re-mix

     The best for last.  The first 70mm print to be shown in the forty-year marathon history, & the first public screening of a 70mm print in the Somerville Theatre's one hundred-year history.
      The print is a third generation strike from an IN, & therefore has more grain & more contrast than the original versions.  The lab tried to disguise the generational loss by ramping up the colour saturation, an old trick.  The sound has been re-mixed -- adequately, but just -- from the old 6-channel spread into the standard 5.1 track, so no voices from anything but the centre, & a lot of the sound panning has been suppressed.  Also sounds a little more trebly than the original, and theres a lot more sub-woofer signal as well.
     Nonetheless, I predict youll all be blown clear out of your seats!  This is, without question in my mind, the greatest science-fiction movie ever made, & to see it properly in 70mm is a rare treat these days!

     Get set!
thank u David. BOY 7 and RAGNAROK are out. Something from the Fest will replace.
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Reply #23 - Feb 13th, 2016 at 8:40pm

David the Projectionist   Offline
Senior Member
The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

Gender: male
Posts: 328
     Okay, kids, here we are with my annual "print" report (quotes advised, as there are hardly any prints).  In stream of consciousness order:


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     This was very popular, but I'm not a fan.  I dont like movies about "geniuses" who do really dumb, stupid things, like invent robots without an off switch.


DCP - 1.85 - colour - not sure



DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     Them digital hits keep coming!


DCP - not sure - colour - 5.1 PCM

     Big ass digital!


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     As Ive mentioned many times on this board, "dark" & "digital" are not like love & marriage: they dont go together like a horse & carriage!  More like sodium & water!  Expect this to look frigging AWFUL.


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     And this is an even darker movie, so expect it to look even worse!  Ironically, Ive been pushing for this title for years.


35mm - 2.40 - colour - Dolby A Type

     Print is from 2006 & is in excellent condition.  Bit of wear at the heads & tails.


DCP - 2.40 - "B&W" - 5.1 PCM with mono track

     The only thing that digital handles worse than dark is black & white, so expect this to look pretty bad!


DCP - 2.40 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     I'm not holding out much hope.  All these film to DCP transfers have been reliably crummy.


DCP - 1.85 - colour - 5.1 PCM

     Same as above.


DCP - 1.33 in 1.85 frame (I'm guessing) - "B&W" - Jeff Rapsis!

     Havent seen it.


35mm - 1.19 - B&W - mono

     An early British sound film that has all the forward momentum of a glacier on Pluto.  Get your No-Doz ready for this dated stinker!  Print is nearly new, from the Library of Congress, struck from a recently discovered surviving nitrate print.  As so many SF movies have tried to teach us over the decades, some things are best left undisturbed.


35mm - 1.37 - B&W - mono

     Another print of LoC.  Beautiful density, nearly new, gorgeous image, though struck from a DI.


35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby SR/D

     Print is in excellent condition.  Minor wear.  Movie is funny as hell, being almost a documentary of the Republican Party.

- 2.21 - colour - Six channel mag sound with Dolby A NR

     Some minor base abrasion scratches at the beginning, but thats it!  Occasional dirt & minor wear.  Pretty awesome condition for an original print, and our first mag print ever!  Give it up for 70mm!!

     Buckle your seat belts! 

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #24 - Feb 16th, 2019 at 12:13am

David the Projectionist   Offline
Senior Member
The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

Gender: male
Posts: 328
     I havent posted a print report in years, because there have been NO PRINTS worthy of reporting.  I could comment on that, but I wont.   Roll Eyes
     For this Thon, the majority of the titles are on film, which is a welcome change.  It makes the event special, in my opinion, as opposed to watching TV in the theatre.  In no particular order:

Annihilation / Sunshine / Escape from New York

     All DCPs.

Frau im Mond

(aka, The Living Death)
     Dont know. Either a Blu-Ray or a DCP.  Hasnt arrived.  But when it does, it will be 1.33, & Mr Rapsis will be trying his level best to keep you from killing yourselves.
     Yeah, good luck with that.

Dr Cyclops

35mm - 1.37 - colour - mono

     This is the same 2009 print that we ran in 2013.  It's still in pretty much the same condition, which is good news.  This was shot in 3-strip Technicolor, and, while this is not a Tech print, it still looks pretty good.
     This is a childhood favourite of mine.  The props are amazing!  And Albert Dekker kills it as the mad doctor.


35mm - 1.85 - colour - mono

     A recent print on Agfa, so the colour is good.  Print is in virtually unrun condition.


35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby SR

     An original 1987 print in NEAR MINT condition.  You wont see it better!

Destination Moon

DVD - 1.37 - colour - mono

     Yup, a standard DVD.  And it was made off an old Tech print (which You Shouldnt Do, because it never looks right).

Source Code

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby SR-D/DTS

     An original print in excellent condition, although it came in a huge mess, with all the leaders & tails everywhere.  I put the reels in the right order.  I also managed to find someone with the DTS files, so youll be hearing this one in style!

The Andromeda Strain

35mm - 2.35 - colour - mono

     A 2005 strike; not sure what was used as a printing element; maybe seps; have to see it on screen.  Anyway, it's in excellent condition.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
- 2.21 - colour - Six channel split surround mag tracks with Dolby SR NR

     The second-best of the original crew Trek movies (at least as far as I'm concerned), which I didnt like at first, but which has grown on me over the years, despite all its glitches, and the weak ending.  The Shakespeare-quoting Christopher Plummer absolutely steals the show.
     The print is in excellent condition with only minor wear & a few splices.
     As a bit of history, the reason this movie has a split surround track (as opposed to all the other Trek features), is that a few prints were struck in the then-nascent Dolby Digital format, which would soon bring 5.1 channels of discrete, highly compressed, miserable audio to all the world, & kill off the 70mm format for years.
     THERE IS NO BETTER SOUND IN CINEMA HISTORY THAN MAG WITH SR NR.  Those of you who have only seen this on your home systems off a crappy Blu-Ray, or (worse) a DVD, or (even worse) streaming, or (may God forgive you) on your phone or laptop or tablet, are in for a revelation.  This print, & the sound on it, will ALTER YOUR LIFE.
     In terms of what youre going to hear, this will have the most overwhelming sound of any movie we've ever run.  People have forgotten, as the years slip by, just how fantastic mag sound is.  Well, I'm going to remind them.  Gird your loins!

     And thats it for this year.  This will be my fourteenth marathon.  Always an even bet as to whether I can still pull this off, now that I'm entering my dotage.....

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #25 - Mar 7th, 2019 at 3:16pm

L.A. Connection   Offline
YaBB Administrator
SF Rocks

Gender: male
Posts: 1793
Thanks for the great job at the 'thon, David.

Yes, the film prints were quite the sight to see on the big screen. The colours in DR. CYCLOPS were amazing even if it was a modern print. Most of the modern era film prints were solid (although, as DDK notes, SOURCE CODE has the downside of having gone through heavy Digital Intermediate treatment, giving it a digital chalkiness). TREK in 70mm was amazing. It's a 35mm blowup, so the image was a tad soft, but, yes, the deep rich sound shook things up - in a good way, of course.  But, to me, the topper was the vintage INNER-SPACE print. Wow! And, to think of the crappy 2K digital that passes for standard mulitiplex release DCPs today. Sad.

Great job. Thank you

David the Projectionist wrote on Feb 16th, 2019 at 12:13am:
     I havent posted a print report in years, because there have been NO PRINTS worthy of reporting.  I could comment on that, but I wont.   Roll Eyes
     For this Thon, the majority of the titles are on film, which is a welcome change.  It makes the event special, in my opinion, as opposed to watching TV in the theatre.  In no particular order:

Annihilation / Sunshine / Escape from New York

     All DCPs.

Frau im Mond

(aka, The Living Death)
     Dont know. Either a Blu-Ray or a DCP.  Hasnt arrived.  But when it does, it will be 1.33, & Mr Rapsis will be trying his level best to keep you from killing yourselves.
     Yeah, good luck with that.

Dr Cyclops

35mm - 1.37 - colour - mono

     This is the same 2009 print that we ran in 2013.  It's still in pretty much the same condition, which is good news.  This was shot in 3-strip Technicolor, and, while this is not a Tech print, it still looks pretty good.
     This is a childhood favourite of mine.  The props are amazing!  And Albert Dekker kills it as the mad doctor.


35mm - 1.85 - colour - mono

     A recent print on Agfa, so the colour is good.  Print is in virtually unrun condition.


35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby SR

     An original 1987 print in NEAR MINT condition.  You wont see it better!

Destination Moon

DVD - 1.37 - colour - mono

     Yup, a standard DVD.  And it was made off an old Tech print (which You Shouldnt Do, because it never looks right).

Source Code

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby SR-D/DTS

     An original print in excellent condition, although it came in a huge mess, with all the leaders & tails everywhere.  I put the reels in the right order.  I also managed to find someone with the DTS files, so youll be hearing this one in style!

The Andromeda Strain

35mm - 2.35 - colour - mono

     A 2005 strike; not sure what was used as a printing element; maybe seps; have to see it on screen.  Anyway, it's in excellent condition.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
- 2.21 - colour - Six channel split surround mag tracks with Dolby SR NR

     The second-best of the original crew Trek movies (at least as far as I'm concerned), which I didnt like at first, but which has grown on me over the years, despite all its glitches, and the weak ending.  The Shakespeare-quoting Christopher Plummer absolutely steals the show.
     The print is in excellent condition with only minor wear & a few splices.
     As a bit of history, the reason this movie has a split surround track (as opposed to all the other Trek features), is that a few prints were struck in the then-nascent Dolby Digital format, which would soon bring 5.1 channels of discrete, highly compressed, miserable audio to all the world, & kill off the 70mm format for years.
     THERE IS NO BETTER SOUND IN CINEMA HISTORY THAN MAG WITH SR NR.  Those of you who have only seen this on your home systems off a crappy Blu-Ray, or (worse) a DVD, or (even worse) streaming, or (may God forgive you) on your phone or laptop or tablet, are in for a revelation.  This print, & the sound on it, will ALTER YOUR LIFE.
     In terms of what youre going to hear, this will have the most overwhelming sound of any movie we've ever run.  People have forgotten, as the years slip by, just how fantastic mag sound is.  Well, I'm going to remind them.  Gird your loins!

     And thats it for this year.  This will be my fourteenth marathon.  Always an even bet as to whether I can still pull this off, now that I'm entering my dotage.....

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Reply #26 - Feb 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm

David the Projectionist   Offline
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The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

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Posts: 328
     Here we go with this year's crop o prints.  Let us all give thanks.
     This will be my 15th Marathon.  My goodness....

Fast Color / Tarantula / Spaceballs / Mysterious Island / Midnight Special / Soylent Green

     All DCPs.
     TV, anyone?

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

     This is a Blu-Ray.

Die, Monster, Die!

35mm - 2.35 - colour - mono
     This is a 1984 reprint in very good condition.  It was obviously struck off a slightly faded element, & the print has a few scratches & some signs of wear, but it runs through fine.
     Nice sets.  Karloff tries his best!

Miracle Mile

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby A
     A 1987 original print also in very good condition.  Some wear at every head & tail, some dirt & a few light, occasional scratches.  Nothing to complain about.  Sound & colour are quite good.

The Fly

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby A
     Here we have a 1986 original strike in moderate to good condition.  Some heavy wear at the heads & tails.  Not many splices, but this has been shown many times (as a friend of mine would put it, the print has been "well loved").

Altered States

35mm - 1.85 - colour - mono
     A 1991 reprint in very good condition.  Some minor wear & some dirt.
     Probably one of the most berserk movies made by Ken Russell -- who specialised in making berserk movies.  The script was so "altered" (couldnt resist) that Chayefsky took his name off it.
     The only way to really watch this one is in 70mm.  The blow-ups had a skull-crushingly hot track (in the now forgotten miracle of MEGASOUND [which was just a lower baby boom track piped through meatier subs]).  Really, the sound mix in 70 was unforgettable & overwhelming.  And here we have it mono.  Ahem.
     I will not comment further.   Roll Eyes


35mm - 1.85 - B&W - mono
     Yes, 1.85 & not, as Criterion would have you believe, 1.75.  Sometimes I despair.
     This is an original print, struck right off the OCN, in very good condition.  Almost no splices; some occasional wear & a few visible scratches.  Wonderful density & as sharp as a pin.
     This is unquestionably the best movie we're running this year: it's creepy, disturbing, & unforgettable.  Rock Hudson turns in the performance of his life.

Fiend without a Face

35mm - 1.66 - B&W - mono
     This is the rarest print we'll be screening.  It's a 1958 original in stunning condition.  If youve never seen it, it's just....amazingly awful in a truly wonderful way: one of those really bad movies thats so beyond belief all you can do is laugh with joy.  A childhood favourite of mine (dont ask), it's pretty impressively gory for its time period & it has a few effective scenes.  Theres nothing quite like this one, so sit back & gape in awe!
     And always remember: atomic power......Is Not Good.  We're screening two movies to remind you of this important fact.

     And that wraps it up for this year.  For those of you still on this board who care about such things, please remember my tip jar!  Cheesy

I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #27 - Feb 13th, 2020 at 7:08pm

L.A. Connection   Offline
YaBB Administrator
SF Rocks

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Posts: 1793
[  quote author=0D0802490 link=1329522075/26#26 date=1581633805]
     Here we go with this year's crop o prints.  Let us all give thanks.
     This will be my 15th Marathon.  My goodness....

Fast Color / Tarantula / Spaceballs / Mysterious Island / Midnight Special / Soylent Green

     All DCPs.
     TV, anyone?

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

     This is a Blu-Ray.

Die, Monster, Die!

35mm - 2.35 - colour - mono
     This is a 1984 reprint in very good condition.  It was obviously struck off a slightly faded element, & the print has a few scratches & some signs of wear, but it runs through fine.
     Nice sets.  Karloff tries his best!

Miracle Mile

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby A
     A 1987 original print also in very good condition.  Some wear at every head & tail, some dirt & a few light, occasional scratches.  Nothing to complain about.  Sound & colour are quite good.

The Fly

35mm - 1.85 - colour - Dolby A
     Here we have a 1986 original strike in moderate to good condition.  Some heavy wear at the heads & tails.  Not many splices, but this has been shown many times (as a friend of mine would put it, the print has been "well loved").

Altered States

35mm - 1.85 - colour - mono
     A 1991 reprint in very good condition.  Some minor wear & some dirt.
     Probably one of the most berserk movies made by Ken Russell -- who specialised in making berserk movies.  The script was so "altered" (couldnt resist) that Chayefsky took his name off it.
     The only way to really watch this one is in 70mm.  The blow-ups had a skull-crushingly hot track (in the now forgotten miracle of MEGASOUND [which was just a lower baby boom track piped through meatier subs]).  Really, the sound mix in 70 was unforgettable & overwhelming.  And here we have it mono.  Ahem.
     I will not comment further.   Roll Eyes


35mm - 1.85 - B&W - mono
     Yes, 1.85 & not, as Criterion would have you believe, 1.75.  Sometimes I despair.
     This is an original print, struck right off the OCN, in very good condition.  Almost no splices; some occasional wear & a few visible scratches.  Wonderful density & as sharp as a pin.
     This is unquestionably the best movie we're running this year: it's creepy, disturbing, & unforgettable.  Rock Hudson turns in the performance of his life.

Fiend without a Face

35mm - 1.66 - B&W - mono
     This is the rarest print we'll be screening.  It's a 1958 original in stunning condition.  If youve never seen it, it's just....amazingly awful in a truly wonderful way: one of those really bad movies thats so beyond belief all you can do is laugh with joy.  A childhood favourite of mine (dont ask), it's pretty impressively gory for its time period & it has a few effective scenes.  Theres nothing quite like this one, so sit back & gape in awe!
     And always remember: atomic power......Is Not Good.  We're screening two movies to remind you of this important fact.

     And that wraps it up for this year.  For those of you still on this board who care about such things, please remember my tip jar!  Cheesy
Thank you, David! Especially for FIEND WITHOUT A FACE. Too bad about the sound on ALTERED STATES.
Will TARANTULA be shown in the traditional 1:33 or Universal's revisionist 1:85?
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Reply #28 - Feb 13th, 2020 at 8:28pm

David the Projectionist   Offline
Senior Member
The Living Dinosaur at
the Somerville Theatre

Gender: male
Posts: 328
L.A. Connection wrote on Feb 13th, 2020 at 7:08pm:
Will TARANTULA be shown in the traditional 1:33 or Universal's revisionist 1:85?

     I have no way of finding out.  The key doesnt activate until Saturday afternoon, so theres no way I can test any of the DCPs before Sunday.
     Thanks, digital!


I have seen the future, and it is sucky digital....
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Reply #29 - Feb 13th, 2020 at 11:25pm

L.A. Connection   Offline
YaBB Administrator
SF Rocks

Gender: male
Posts: 1793
David the Projectionist wrote on Feb 13th, 2020 at 8:28pm:
L.A. Connection wrote on Feb 13th, 2020 at 7:08pm:
Will TARANTULA be shown in the traditional 1:33 or Universal's revisionist 1:85?

     I have no way of finding out.  The key doesnt activate until Saturday afternoon, so theres no way I can test any of the DCPs before Sunday.
     Thanks, digital!

No way to over ride it if it is 1:85?
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