WELCOME to the Messageboard for the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival and Marathon!!
The BIG 50th Anniversary Marathon in February! Marathon fillms that have been announced: The silent classic ALGOL with the amazing Jeff Rapsis scoring the film - LIVE! The classic THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Chime in on your ideas and thoughts.
SF/49 Official Information Page Click here
>List of ALL Films that have played the Marathon. Click below
Click here for The History Of The Marathon/Festival

The Next Marathon will be held Presidents' Day Weekend 2025 at the Somerville Theater.
It will be preceded by the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival. For ticket info: www.Bostonsci-fi.com

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SF/45, 2020: Information Page (Read 5297 times)
Jan 1st, 2020 at 3:06pm

L.A. Connection   Offline
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SF Rocks

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Posts: 1807
Note: This is a Read Only Topic Page. To give your response to this year's selections and schedule, post here: http://sf.theboard.net/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1576771405

Films selected so far:

MIRACLE MILE 1989. 87 mins. Presented in 35mm! Steve De Jarnatt 's terrific apocalyptic thriller starring Anthony Edwards, Mare Winningham and John Agar. Featuring a score by Tangerine Dream. Marathon Debut! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097889/reference

FIEND WITHOUT A FACE. 1958. 75 mins. In 35mm! FIEND WITHOUT A FACE has been an elusive title, sought out for the event for years and years. A very rare copy has been found and will be a welcome addition to the 45th annual fest. More brains, anyone?? Marathon debut. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050393/reference

SPACEBALLS. 1987. 96 mins. Marathon Debut! With the Star Wars Skywalker saga coming to a close, time to look back at Brooks' 1987 parody of the original trilogy. Starring Rick Moranis, John Candy, Daphne Zuniga, Brooks himself and his usual motley crew of supporting actors.
May the Schwartz be with you! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094012/reference

MYSTERIOUS ISLAND 1961. 101 mins. Famous for it's Ray Harryhausen Special Effects, Mysterious Island makes it's 3rd Fest appearance (it previously played in 1979 and 2000). Bernard Herrmann's powerful score propels the film which features a cast including Herbert Lom, Michael Craig and the lovely Joan Greenwood - and an assortment of giant beasties. While JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS may be the best Harryhausen film, Mysterious Island is the best directed. Director Cy Enfield had an interesting career with Noir films like the terrific COME AND GET ME and the crazed British HELL DRIVERS (featuring a young Sean Connery). Enfield moved to England to avoid associations with the Blacklist. Endfield also did the famous war picture ZULU (w/Michael Caine). Ray Harryhausen's daughter Vanessa will be there in person to speak of her father's work.
"That's the best crab I ever cooked!" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055207/reference

DR. JEYKLL & MR. HYDE 1920. C. 75mins. The rarely screened 1920 Silent version of DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. The film features the legendary John Barrymore in the title role and Nita Naldi. Plus! LIVE MUSICAL SCORE by Jeff Rapsis! First 'thon appearance.

ALTERED STATES. (1980) 102 minutes. In 35mm! Ken Russell's energetic adaptation of Paddy Chayefsky's screenplay is a wild ride. Starring William Hurt in his debut role, along with Blair Brown and Bob Balaban. Featuring Boston locations and cinematography by Jordan Cronenweth (BLADE RUNNER), the film was Oscar nominated for Best Sound ("Megasound"!) and for John Corigliano's innovative score. Marathon Debut, believe it or not! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080360/reference

THE FLY. 1986. 96 mins. In 35mm!  David Cronenberg's 1986 classic remake of THE FLY, featuring Jeff Goldblum's excellent performance as the Brundlefly and Geena Davis. This version hasn't shown since SF/12 (the original has been run thrice). Oscar winner for Chris Walas' Makeup effects.
Be afraid, be very afraid https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091064/reference

MIDNIGHT SPECIAL. 2016. 112 mins. Jeff Nichols' (MUD, TAKE SHELTER) acclaimed MIDNIGHT SPECIAL featuring Michael Shannon, Kristen Dunst and Adam Driver. First Marathon showing. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2649554/reference

SECONDS 1966. 106 mins. In 35mm! Rock Hudson and a cast including Jeff Corey, Will Geer, John Randolph and Richard Anderson and featuring the standout cinematography from the great James Wong Howe (who was Oscar nominated for it) and music by the equally great Jerry Goldsmith. This is the second go around for SECONDS at the event (the first in 2003).
CRUSH THOSE GRAPES!! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060955/reference

DIE MONSTER DIE. 1965. 80 mins. In 35mm! Boris Karloff and Nick Adams star in this 1965 film based on Lovecraft's Colour Out of Space. Another version, with Nic Cage, is coming out in January. Here's a chance to see the first version on the big Somerville Theatre screen. First time at the Marathon. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059465/reference

TARANTULA. 1955. 80 mins. This Universal B-Flick returns to the Marathon for the first time in Forty Years (SF/5)! Genre specialist Jack Arnold (INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN) Directs. Clint Eastwood has a bit part as an Arachnid Exterminator. The film stars John Agar, Mara Corday (a Playboy Playmate) and Leo G. Carroll...and a big arthropod! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048696/reference

FAST COLOR. 2019. 100 mins. Director Julia Hart's critically acclaimed indie superhero film stars Gugu Mbatha-Raw and David Strathairn about a young woman who slowly discovers she has superhuman abilities. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6418778/reference

SOYLENT GREEN. 1973. 97 mins. Before the Impossible Burger there was... SOYLENT GREEN!
This 1973 SF thriller stars Charlton Heston, Leigh-Taylor Young, Chuck Connors, Joseph Cotten and the great Edward G. Robinson in his final role. Based on a Harry Harrison novel and Directed by Richard Fleischer it was nominated for a Hugo (losing to Woody Allen's SLEEPER). SOYLENT GREEN takes us to a world Beyond Meat, but wha't it's secret? Is it the all natural ingredients? Show up to the Boston Sci-Fi Fest and find out -- and bring an appetite! SOYLENT GREEN makes it's third appearance at the event, the previous ones in 1998 (SF/23) and all the way back to 1977 (the 2nd annual 'Thon!). https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070723/reference

Plus! Duck Dodgers 1953. 7 mins. In 35mm! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045709/reference

And more!
« Last Edit: Feb 6th, 2020 at 11:07pm by L.A. Connection »  
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